Please read Escape from the Dysphesiac People by Brandon Hobson and join us for a discussion.
Find it on page 53 of The Best American Short Stories - 2021.
Contact me for the Zoom link.
We read and discuss short, cheap and nearly great stories and essays. We are now meeting via Zoom. Previously we met in the Bistro @ HighPointe Assisted Living [NE Corner – Hampden Ave & I-25] 6383 East Girard Place, Denver, CO 80222. This group is free and open to anyone willing to read the material before the discussion. For more information, call Mike Levin 303 514-5463 or email
Please read Escape from the Dysphesiac People by Brandon Hobson and join us for a discussion.
Find it on page 53 of The Best American Short Stories - 2021.
Contact me for the Zoom link.
Please read The Rest of Us by Jenzo DuQue and join us for a discussion.
Find it on page 39 of The Best American Short Stories - 2021.
Contact me for the Zoom link.
Jenzo DuQue was born into a Colombian community in Chicago and is based in Brooklyn. He received his MFA from Brooklyn College, where he served as an editor for The Brooklyn Review. An inaugural Periplus Fellow & 2021 Shenandoah Editorial Fellow, Jenzo’s work has found homes in Narrative, BOMB, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere. Twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Jenzo’s writing has been anthologized in The Best American Short Stories 2021 and forthcoming in Best Microfiction 2022.
Please read Our Children by Vanessa Cuti and join us for a discussion.
Find it on page 28 of The Best American Short Stories - 2021.
Contat me for the Zoom link.
Please read To Buffalo Eastbound by Gabriel Bump and join us for a discussion.
Find it on page 1 of The Best American Short Stories – 2021
Contact me for the Zoom link.
Please read the last two essays in The Good Immigrant and join us for a discussion.
244 Million by Mona Chalabi is just one page. It has you make a paper airplane while reviewing statistics on world migration. (Page 298)
How to Center Your Own Story by Jade Chang was written just before Trump's first term. Many of her observations apply today. (Pages 301-313)
Please read The Special World by Tiphanie Yanique and join us for a discussion.
This is the last selection in The Best American Short Stories -2020. Find it on page 329.
Contact me for the Zoom link.
Here is our latest schedule:
Please read Return to Macondo by Susanne de Arellano and join us for a discussion.
Find it on page 287 of The Good Immigrant.
Contact me for the Zoom link.