Please join us via Zoom to discuss selections from A Paradise Built in Hell by Rebecca Solnit.
Find it on page 51 of Imperfect Ideal: Utopian and Dystopian Vision.
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Password: books
We read and discuss short, cheap and nearly great stories and essays. We are now meeting via Zoom. Previously we met in the Bistro @ HighPointe Assisted Living [NE Corner – Hampden Ave & I-25] 6383 East Girard Place, Denver, CO 80222. This group is free and open to anyone willing to read the material before the discussion. For more information, call Mike Levin 303 514-5463 or email
Please join us via Zoom to discuss Gender Studies by Curtis Sittenfeld. Find it on page 255 of The Best American Short Stories - 2017. This is a short story, but it could be an example in a scholarly article cleverly titled: Booty Call: Norms of Restricted and Unrestricted Sociosexuality in Hook-Up CultureSociosexuality, sometimes called sociosexual orientation, is the individual difference in the willingness to engage in sexual activity outside of a committed relationship.Read Gender Studies or listen to the author read her story at: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Meeting ID: 897 2673 2176 Password: books