Friday, September 29, 2017

Oct 3 @ 7:30 PM: Encrucijada [Crossroads] by Roberto G. Fernandez

Join us to discuss Encrucijada by Roberto G. Fernandez.  Find it on page 237 of Immigrant Voices - 21st Century Stories, published by The Great Books Foundation.

This is the last selection in this collection.  

Friday, September 15, 2017


We are finishing Immigrant Voices and beginning The Soul of the Text.

Sept 19: Awakening by Joshua Lang

Since its introduction in 1846, anesthesia has allowed for medical miracles. Limbs can be removed, tumors examined, organs replaced—and a patient will feel and remember nothing. Or so we choose to believe. In reality, tens of thousands of patients each year in the United States alone wake up at some point during surgery. Since their eyes are taped shut and their bodies are usually paralyzed, they cannot alert anyone to their condition. In efforts to eradicate this phenomenon, medicine has been forced to confront how little we really know about anesthesia’s effects on the brain. The doctor who may be closest to a solution may also answer a question that has confounded centuries’ worth of scientists and philosophers: What does it mean to be conscious?

Join us to discuss Awakening by Joshua Lang.  Find it on page 167 of Best American Science & Nature Writing – 2014

Friday, September 1, 2017

Sept 5: Bamboo by Eduardo Halfon

Join us to discuss Bamboo by Eduardo Halfon.  Find it on page 231 of Immigrant Voices - 21st Century Stories, published by The Great Books Foundation.
Find it on line at